I recently had my hair cut and it's causing some interesting responses from folks. Many have told me that they like it (thank you to all - you're very kind!). However, some have also expressed shock. Two people have asked me, "What does Monkey Toes think of it?" and one gentleman volunteered his opinion that, "I really prefer long hair on women." I have also been asked if I changed my hair to correspond with the change in seasons. My favorite one yet is, "are you going through some sort of crisis?" O.k. Here it is - the honest scoop.
A few days before our family vacation, I went to the salon to get a couple of inches cut off. My hair was beginning to feel really heavy, and I wanted it lighter for our trip. As I was sitting in the chair, the stylist mentioned that I would probably have enough to donate to Locks of Love. Without a second thought, I told her I would love to make a donation. Out came the ruler (you need at least 10 inches to donate) and 11 inches later, I had a short do. There was no crisis involved and I didn't need Monkey's permission. His reaction, if you're wondering, was, "nice haircut", upon his return home from work that evening. Yes, the seasons are changing, but I am waaaaay too busy to coordinate styles with seasons nor anything else. I have had long hair for 5 years, so I welcomed this change. It feels great and it has been no more or no less work than my longer style. To me - it's just hair. It is my crown, but certainly not my glory!
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