Sunday, August 21, 2011

California or Bust

5 suitcases (Sweet Pea & Pumpkin are sharing) and 6 backpacks and our kids are ready to travel
We are leaving on vacation for 8 days.  As I was sharing with a few people this morning, I'm not sure where my anxiety ends and my excitement begins.  We have been planning this trip for over a year.  It felt as though it would never come and now, here it is.  We are flying, which makes me feel a bit overwhelmed.  I think I am more nervous about people's reactions to our family as we travel, than actually traveling with my children.  The last time we flew with children was 4 years ago.  We had 4 kids, with Cucumber being just a few months old.  We had booked the Red Eye, and as a result, we had very restless, cranky children.  I remember boarding the plane for our return trip home and being at my breaking point.  Passenger after passenger were passing by us, some rolling their eyes, others looking perturbed.  Then one woman approached our aisle, placed her hand on my shoulder and said, "You have a beautiful family."  With that simple gesture, I began to cry, feeling a bit relieved that someone understood.  So this time, I am going to try my best to not stress out so much.  I want this to be a memorable and happy family trip.  At this point we have done all we can do to prepare.  Now, we just go with the flow.  I'm not sure how much blogging I'll be doing, if any, while gone.  So stay tuned, because I'm sure I'll have plenty to share when I return.  


  1. Oh so exciting!!! I think your kids (and you) will do great. Have a fun time!!
