Monday, February 7, 2011

Honey Bunches of Oats Turns 7

My second  born turned 7 yesterday.  Honey Bunches is my child who wears his emotions on his sleeve.  His birth was the most difficult for me and his stubborness has not subsided.  At the same time, he is also the most tenderhearted child in the family.  When he tells me he loves me I know he is sincere.  However, when he is upset with me, I also knows that he means it!

Our weekend began with preparing to go to a water park overnight, along with aunts, uncles and cousins.  Saturday was a busy morning, trying to pack everyone up.  While I worked upstairs, Monkey Toes was monitoring the basement.  At one time, Honey Bunches came upstairs and declared, "Dad has ruined my birthday!"  Apparently the boys were ordered to pick up the basement - a task Honey Bunches didn't feel he should have to do since it was his birthday weekend.  Eventually we made it to the hotel.  There were a few glitches we encountered.  Our rooms were not yet cleaned when we checked in; the hallway smelled like urine; Pumpkin Pie did not like the water at all and wound up clinging to me whenever we entered the park; I had to sleep with Sweet Pea who not only kicked me most of the night, but also fell out of the bed twice; the people staying in the rooms next to us and above us stayed up most of the night partying; and when we showed up for Mass, it was in Spanish.

Now, the highlights of the weekend.  With the exception of the baby, the kids loved the water park; my sister-in-law made a Super Bowl cake for Honey Bunches (upon his request) and his cousin; we went out to eat the following morning - 4 adults and 7 kids and all were extremely well behaved; and of course the great, quality family time spent together.  We topped our weekend off by all gathering at our house to watch the Super Bowl.  It was bittersweet to say good bye to everyone at the end of the game. It was one of those weekends that I wanted to bottle up and keep.

I loved that Honey Bunches believed that the Super Bowl was being played for his birthday, and it warmed my heart when he redeemed his original declaration by saying "this was the best birthday ever."  I love this little man whose big, brown eyes with long lashes can pierce my soul with all of his defiance, all of his honesty, and all of his love.  I love you Honey - Muah!

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