Friday, March 2, 2012

Clear As A Bell

No mother of the year here today.  My kids began spring break and I had no idea that they even had a spring break this year.  They have 5 days off for Easter, so I must have reconciled somewhere in my brain that they wouldn't have any time off until then.  Luckily, this realization was made last night, so no wasted trip was made all the way to school this morning.  The little Love Bugs have today and Monday at home.  I wish I had something really fun planned for all of us.  I guess we'll just fly by the seat of our pants.

I told the kids they could watch a little T.V. this morning while I cooked them breakfast.  As the theme song from The Fresh Beat Band played, Sweet Pea sang along.  Pumpkin was very irritated by this and kept shouting at her to "STOP!"  The girl who couldn't enunciate the difference between steak and stink very clearly told her sister, "Stop annoying me!"  Looks like spring break is off to a promising start!

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