Wednesday, October 26, 2011

You Know You Have Kids When. . .

- your house is identified in the neighborhood as the "house with all the toys in the yard."

- sippy cups outnumber water glasses.

- you're in need of a pen or pencil and the most convenient utensil is a crayon.

- your vehicles sacrifice their place in the garage in exchange for balls, bats, bikes, golf clubs, roller blades, etc.

- the only band aids in the house are "themed" - Toy Story, Dora and Disney Princesses.

-there's enough crumbs in the van to put together a 5 course meal.

- no matter how clean you think your clothes are, one of the little love bugs inevitably has swiped their nose across your sleeve or drooled on your shoulder.

- the Veggie Tale's theme song continually runs through your head ALL DAY.

- you see your  heart outside of yourself each and every day.

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