Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Two days ago I read in our local paper that buses would be passing through our town on the 16th, carrying 95 soldiers from the local 849th National Guard unit.  They would be heading to Texas to train to serve in Afghanistan for the next year.  These buses would have troops from all over Minnesota and Wisconsin, including a few from our area.  We were encouraged to show our support by gathering along the highway, wearing patriotic colors and waving flags.

I insisted on a picture before we headed up town.

As we were walking, I looked behind us and saw a bunch of employees from Industrial Park headed towards the Highway too.

We found a spot to stand and this very kind gentleman made sure that each of my kids had a flag to wave.

This procession was led by the fire department, with lights and sirens.

I wasn't prepared for the emotion that was stirred within me.  Although I personally do not know any of these troops, my heart filled with gratitude.   I am completely thankful and humbled by the sacrifices of these men and women and their families.  Our country is a better place because of them.

Their sacrifice should inspire all of us to be of service too.  Isn't it the least we can do?  How can we serve our communities?  Our churches?  Our neighbors?  Giving of ourselves and our time is often not convenient, but that is what makes it a sacrifice.  Go make a difference in your corner of the world.

To all of our troops, both past and present, and to all of their families, I say thank you.  Thank you for giving so selflessly so that my family and I can enjoy our freedoms and live in this great nation.  God bless you all!


  1. I love this! I get choked up at parades and whatnot too! Thank you for bringing your adorable kids to this event and teaching them the importance of our service-people! :)

  2. How wonderful!

    I'm guessing they came through our town too....I didn't even know and we are just blocks from the route they would have used. :(

    Great job Mom!
