Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Last post on 40. . .I promise!

As I was looking through pictures on my camera, I discovered a few photos that I took with the intention of writing something about them.  Better late than never. . .

The morning of my birthday, and after Mass, my kids presented me with this lovely package;  a few of my favorite treats.  I very rarely drink soda, but when I do, I enjoy root beer.  The candy bar, which happens to be my favorite, is something I eat 3 times a year;  my birthday, Mother's Day, and only if the kids bring one home from Halloween.

After supper (which my mom prepared), I was treated with a red velvet cake and these lovely flowers.

I was joking with a friend not too long ago, about how Monkey Toes doesn't give me flowers for my birthday, but rather shows his love by gifting me with technology.  He kept tradition with this:

I now have a new phone that I can access my e-mail and internet AND it takes better pictures than my camera.  The problem; I have never been tech savvy, so it is taking me awhile to get accustomed to this machine (???).  Monkey did show me how to take video on this phone so I could record Gummi reading at her class Mass.  I was successful in getting a picture, however, the placement of my thumbs prevented me from recording any sound.  Since then, Monkey has given me an in-service on its use.

All in all, being 40 doesn't feel any different.  Although, a few days ago I was curled up on the sofa, reading a book.  Sweet Pea was putting a puzzle together on the floor and asked me to help her.  As I stood up, my ankle cracked.

Sweet Pea:  Are you o.k. Mommy?
Me:  Yes.  My ankle just does that sometimes.
Sweet Pea:  Because you're falling apart?

I think I need a Butterfinger.


  1. Oh that was funny....I laughed...falling apart!!!

    I'd skip flowers for those tech presents!

    Sounds like a wonderful birthday!

  2. Hahahaha! FUNNY!

    The first picture - those are the BEST kinds of presents, don't you think? I love getting stuff like that. I know they thought about me, and what I'd really like to receive. :)

    Congrats on the iPhone! You need to get the free Blogger app! It's super easy to take pictures on your phone and upload them to your blog posts!!

    Glad you enjoyed your birthday!

    PS. Glad to see I'm not the only one who takes pictures with the intent of writing about them, and then finds them 3 weeks later! :)
