Friday, November 18, 2011

Kindness Still Exists!

This morning, I was the recipient of two very thoughtful and generous acts of kindness.  Both were very unexpected.  It is days like this that I am reminded of the goodness in others.  I am reminded that it is in the simplest of gestures that I tend to find the greatest treasure.  I am reminded of how God uses each of us to show His presence, His love, His grace, and His mercy everyday.

I attended morning Mass at my children's school.  It was the 2nd Grade Class Mass and Honey Bunches read one of the Prayers of the Faithful.  After Mass, I was flagged down by the dad of one of Honey's classmates.  He said he noticed that I have been driving the last few weeks with a burnt-out headlight.  In his hand he was carrying a new headlight.  He changed it for me - right on the spot.  I asked, "Can I please pay you something?"  He said, "No.  I just ask that you pray for me and that my business will pick up." 

Before returning home, I stopped by the grocery store to pick up some apples.  As the cashier rang up my order, I was .20 short.  I had no change because I had just cleaned out my wallet and put all my spare change in the kids piggy banks.  So I asked the cashier to take a few apples out to bring the price down.  She said, "No, no.  I want you to have these apples."  She dug in her own pocket and payed the difference. 

I am so greatly touched by the genuine thoughtfulness of these two individuals.  I am humbled and I am blessed.  Now, I pay it forward.  What do you have planned today?  Be vigilant on opportunities to be Christ to someone.  Let His light and His love shine!

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