My little Love Bug, Sweet Pea, celebrated her golden birthday on the 5th. For the past few months, she has been asking regularly,
"when is my birthday?" Our reply has always been,
"your birthday comes after Gummi's birthday." A four year old translates that into, "my birthday is the day after Gummi's!" So everyday (no exaggeration) Sweet Pea would state,
"Today's my birthday because we've already celebrated Gummi's birthday!"
Here's Sweet Pea on the morning of her actual birthday. |
As is becoming the norm, we waited to have her Birthday dinner on the weekend. However, we still tried to make her actual day special.
Here is Sweet Pea sporting a Birthday hat that Pumpkin made for her. |
I made one of her favorite snacks; kale chips. |
She made her own birthday cake (one of two cakes she had this year), with just a little assistance from me. |
The day of her Birthday dinner. |
Birthday dinner of her choice: grilled steak, macaroni & cheese, and dill pickles.
Cake of her choice: Strawberry Angel Food with whipped strawberry frosting and actual strawberries. |
Sweet Pea's gifts: a bicycle helmet, fruit snacks & roll-ups, a book, a wand & crown, socks, a bunch of pictures drawn by her sisters, jewelery made by her sisters, a gift card, and one of our old cameras. |
Sweet Pea was completely delighted in the celebration of her special day. One of our unwritten traditions is the day after a birthday, me and the child of honor sneak away and share the last piece of birthday cake together. We use one plate and one fork and we reminisce about the previous day.
Our Sweet Pea is what I would call our most
fragile child, in both size and emotion. She requires a bit more attention than the other Love Bugs, as her feelings are easily hurt. She takes great pride in her accomplishments, whether it's riding her bike with speed, drawing a colorful picture, or learning to spell a new word. She LOVES to help around the house (except when it comes time to cleaning her room!) She changes her clothes/outfits multiple times a day (because that's what princesses do). She talks about Jesus everyday (i.e. "Jesus likes when we help each other," and "I think that's what Jesus would do." When she grows up, she wants to be a paramedic - yep, she knows what that word means.

The day that Sweet Pea was born, our family rejoiced in this new and precious gift of life that we were blessed to call our own. Sweet Pea is bright and friendly. She is helpful and funny. She is sweet and talkative. She shares a special bond with Grandma. Often times I find her curled up on Grandma's bed, watching t.v. or playing games. She eats healthy (salads, kale chips, spinach smoothies), and she likes to help me cook.
Sweet Pea, we love you very much. You add a brightness to our family, as only you can. We thank God for you, each and everyday! Happy Golden Birthday Sweets!