Monday, April 4, 2011


I've learned an important lesson. . .Be careful what you wish for!  In my last post I was yearning for peace and quiet.  Friday through Sunday I got it, due to a bug that kept me in bed most of that time.  Monkey Toes really stepped up and took care of the house and kids (including Sweet Pea who was also sick), which allowed me to hide away in my bedroom.  We are almost at 100% health again in the house, with just a few remaining coughs and runny noses.

Sunday morning as I was sitting and reading the paper, Honey Bunches showed me his newest Lego creation with a big smile on his face.  It was a small box with a removable lid.  As he slowly removed the lid, he explained that it was a bug box.  As I looked inside, I discovered real bugs.  I was taken aback.  Honey Bunches said, "Don't worry.  I have an air hole so they can breath."  Thank goodness, because THAT was what I was worried about!  A few hours later I noticed Pumpkin Pie trying to throw something away.  She had found the box and had one of the bugs pinched between her fingers.

This morning, as I walked into the boys room to wake them up for school, I noticed their egressed  window was slightly open and there was a small trail of dirt along the window sill.  I demanded to know what happened.  Honey Bunches sheepishly replied, "I had to find bugs for my bug box."  So the original bugs weren't home invaders, they were invited  guests.  Once I caught my breath, I tried to calmly (well, maybe not so calmly) explain that their window is to remain closed at all times, unless there is an emergency, and if they want to collect bugs, they need to do so while they are outside - fully - and to keep the critters in their natural habitat.  Good Monday Morning!

The day only got better - really it did.  The little girls were pretty helpful while the older kids were at school.  Eventually the sun shone and we headed outside for part of the afternoon.  We ended our evening by crafting some really cute bumble bees, flowers and butterflies.  I made a point to say that these are the only "bugs" I will welcome into my home.  The kids just smiled and Gummi Bear said, "Mom you're kinda funny."  Actually I was being serious.  Oh well.  I'll just brace myself for the next buggy surprise.

Critters created using small paper plates, coffee filters, and pipe cleaners

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