In surfing the net, I came upon this blog (here) which provides writing prompts to help one reflect on the beauty of simplicity in everyday life. I thought I would give it a go.
Outside my window...It is cool outside and misting. It's beginning to feel a bit like fall.
I am thinking...Monkey Toes has a business trip this week and I pray that all goes well.
I am thankful...for my currently sleeping Love Bugs. I love when we're all together, under the same roof.
In the kitchen...A pork roast in the crock pot.
I am wearing...Must I confess? O.K. My gray hooded sweatshirt and sweatpants. Shocking, I know!
I am creating...back-to-school lists. I love being able to cross off items. It feels as if we're making progress.
I am get two of the girls hair cuts tomorrow. They want short hair. I'm saddened they want to loose their long locks.
I am wondering...if Cucumber will maintain her boisterous ways once she's in school, and if not, how many phone calls I will have to field in regards to this.
I am reading...A Simple Path, by Blessed Mother Theresa.
I am hoping...that Sweet Pea and Pumpkin will bounce back to their joy filled life once the older kids are back in school. I think they may be a bit over stimulated by the amount of activity in our home, caused by their older siblings.
I am looking forward to...a visit from a dear friend later this week.
I am learning...that each year school supply lists grow in both length and costs. What is a protractor again?
Around the house...we have been donating, tossing, and recycling lots of items. Again, it feels like we may be conquering the clutter. At least for the time being.
I am pondering...what I should make for dinner when my friend arrives. I want something delicious (of course), and easy to prepare.
A favorite quote for today...came from Cucumber while we were playing BINGO. "Why does this card hate me?"
One of my favorite things...the rosy cheeks and smell of my kids hair after bath time.
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