Thursday, January 23, 2014

7 Quick Takes: Technology, Single Parenting, and Polar Vortex


Monkey Toes and I agreed to not exchange gifts this past Christmas.  Finances have been a little tight and we decided to cut back where we could.  Under the tree, however, on Christmas Eve, was a box with my name on it.  It was a new laptop from Monkey.  He sold some sound equipment the day before so he could replace my old computer.  I love having my own computer again!  The problem - I am technology challenged.  I do o.k. navigating around where I need to, but far too often I find myself in uncharted territory and must rely on my live-in Techie (Monkey).  My current computer problem is figuring out how to get downloaded pictures from my desktop to this blog.  I am unable to open any of those files.  I was up far too late last night trying to figure this out.  At around midnight I gave up.  Blogging about Cucumber's 7th birthday will simply have to wait until Monkey gets home.


Monkey is on a business trip, leaving me to single-parent the household for awhile.  Can I just say, I'm not a fan of it.  Even though Monkey is typically gone the majority of each day, there is a certain comfort in knowing that he is coming home.  And if there is ever a time that I absolutely need him home, then he makes arrangements to do so.  When he is on a business trip, the kids are a bit more irritable, I usually deal with a bit of insomnia, and we all miss him very much.  

Yesterday at breakfast:

Pumpkin:  I miss Daddy.
Me:  I miss him too.
Gummi Bear:  He'll only be gone a week.
Sweet Potato:  That's a week too long!


Once again, school was delayed two hours today, due to the cold temperatures.  Yes, I am a Minnesotan. Yes, I have lived here all of my life.  Yes, I should be used to conditions such as these.  No, I don't like to complain, especially about the weather, but YUCK! YUCK! YUCK!  I don't have a problem with the season of winter, but I struggle with the sub-zero temperatures.  The kids don't like it, Grandma doesn't like it (FYI:  Grandma complained today of feeling "cooped-up"), my van doesn't like it.  Fortunately, tomorrow is forecast to be 33 degrees.   No doubt, it will feel great!


A couple of days ago, Pumpkin wandered into the kitchen while I was cooking supper.  She asked me to pick her up and then she laid her head on my shoulder.

Me:  We haven't snuggled in a while
Pumpkin;  That's a shame.

Oh, be still my heart.


Cucumber had a dentist appointment yesterday to get a cavity filled.  The dentist office is located in the mall. As we were walking past Hallmark. . .

Cucumber:  (Pointing) Hey, that's where Marc (her Godfather) buys my action figures each year for my birthday!
Me:  Mmm, do you mean your Precious Moments figurines?
Cucumber:  Yeah, whatever.


One of the gifts Cucumber received for her birthday was a giant container of Cheeseballs.  At first, she asked if she could keep them for herself without having to share with her siblings.  For some reason, she had a change of heart and decided that her brothers and sisters could eat some.  Her sharing, though, consists of counting out the correct serving size (32 cheeseballs) for each sibling.  If one "accidentally" gets 33 cheeseballs, she has determined that he/she will only receive 31 cheeseballs the next day.  Cucumber is running a very tight ship and fine-tuned system.


Yesterday morning, I reminded the boys to brush their teeth after breakfast.  A few minutes later, it was evident that they were doing anything BUT what I expected them to do.  I hollered calmly yelled downstairs for them to get moving.

Pumpkin:  Mommy, how did you hear that they were not brushing their teeth?
Me:  Because I'm a Mom and moms hear everything.
Pumpkin:  Oh.

A little bit of silence. . .

Sweet Pea:  Mom also has big ears.

For more Quick Takes, please visit Jen here.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

7 Quick Takes

The Love Bugs are home, again, due to something we're referring to in these parts as a "Polar Vortex." Today we had blizzard conditions - not much snow, but very strong winds causing whiteouts and much drifting along roadways.  It's not even fun to play in the snow on these days.  The kids spend more time bundling up than actually playing outside, due to the cold.
My children NEED TO GO OUTSIDE.  My house has turned into a playground, a jungle gym, a race car track, a craft room, a bakery, and something I am referring to as a circus.  I can't walk two feet without stepping over/on or having to go around something or someone.  I love having my children home, but I am having to learn the skill of surrender.  They are taking over!
Since having our family, I have been asked for the second time in my life if my children are adopted.  It happened at a recent piano recital, where Sweet Potato, Gummi Bear and Cucumber performed.  The woman who inquired was very nice, but her question caught me off guard.  I simply smiled and calmly said, "No, they are all my biological children,"  to which she responded, "Really?"  I was half tempted to pull up my shirt and show her my lovely stretch marks as proof, but I don't think that would have been pleasant for anyone.
Two of the Love Bugs had a dentist appointment last week.  I picked all the kids up from school and didn't have time to go home first, so I had packed a snack bag for each to eat on the way.  I emptied out the snack cupboard, and their bags contained an assortment of crackers, raisins, chocolate covered candies & pretzels.  Once in the waiting room at the Dentist Office, Sweet Pea asked if she could sit on my lap.  As she walked over, a gentleman sitting in the chairs commented, "I think your little girl had an accident."  I had Sweet Pea turn around and noticed her butt had brown streaks and splotches all over it.  After closer review, I said to the gentleman, "No sir, it's just chocolate."  
Yesterday for lunch, I asked Pumpkin if she wanted a sandwich to eat.  She said, "Yes, but can you make it with nazi bread"  Oh good heavens, where is this going?

Me:  Pumpkin, what did you say?
Pumpkin:  Make it with nazi bread.
Me:  I don't know what that is.  Where did you learn that word?
Pumpkin:  I said NOT. SEED. BREAD!

Apparently my Whole 12 Grain bread is only loved by me.
Sweet Pea was given an American Girl doll for Christmas from her Nina and Nino. She LOVES this doll. It sleeps next to her and she asks to take it everywhere (to church, the library, school, etc.)  Each day after school, she tries to find outfits for both of them to wear so they can look alike.  She has lovingly named her doll Brianna.  She talks about Brianna as if she were one of her friends from school.  It usually takes me a minute to figure out she is referring to her doll and not a real person.  
I just realized this is a 7 Quick Takes Friday edition and today is only Thursday. One can only hope. . . . .

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

One Last "Merry Christmas"

Today we celebrated the Feast of the Baptism of Jesus, which also signifies the end of the Christmas season. Our tree is still erected and our nativity remains in place, as we fully embrace this time of Emmanuel. We have had a lovely Christmas, with much love, laughter and memories made.

We drank eggnog and laughed at our "staches."

There was "dress-up" to be played,

facials to be given,

games to entertain,

 and naps to be had.

The kids received knit animal hats for Christmas.

Pumpkin:  Mommy, who gave me my piggy hat?
Me:  Auntie Silly.
Pumpkin:  Yeah.  I like that Auntie Silly. 

New Year's was celebrated with Mass and then coming home to an evening filled with games, crafts, food and an abundance of energy.  The Love Bugs all made it to midnight (except for Sweet Pea who fell asleep on the sofa at 10:30 PM. Monkey woke her up, though, to ring in the New Year).

Waiting for the countdown!

The kids went back to school on January 3rd, which was actually a welcomed event (for all of us!)  I love having my kids home with me, but I also see great value in structure, which school helps to satisfy.  The Love Bugs were excited to see their friends again.  Cucumber, who expressed exasperation over her classmates inquiring over the state of our Christmas tree, exclaimed, "I can't wait to go back to school and tell everyone we finally put our tree up!"  

My Dad gave me this angel in 1996.  It remains my favorite ornament.

This season, I am most thankful for the gift of time and presence from our families.  I love them all so much!

To all of you, may the hope, joy and peace of Christmas last throughout this entire new year.  May we always show graciousness and kindness to one another and share the love of Christ wherever we go! Happy New Year and blessings to all!