Saturday, June 2, 2012

Summer Break

Recently my posts have been few and in-between.  There are a couple of reasons for this, primarily that the kids have been on summer break now for over a week.  We are  S  L  O  W  L  Y  settling into vacation mode.  After the last day of school, Grandpa picked up the boys and brought them back to his cabin for 6 days.  So the girls and I had lots of "girlie" time to enjoy.  We painted nails, put on make-up, played dress-up, crafted, and spent lots of time outdoors.

A much different mess than what the boys leave

Crafting with cheap paper plates (our dear family friend Jessica spent some time with us as well)

Pumpkin watering the flowers

 The highlight of our week was a Friday night camp out in the living room.  We ate pizza, rented a Barbie movie, and made in-door smores.

Again, I love that it's the simple things that tend to mean the most to our kids.  The morning after our "sleep over", Cucumber gave me a hug and said, "That was one of the best days of my life!"

And then later in the day we all enjoyed a very     L  O  N  G       nap.

Summer is off to a pretty great start.  Before all the activities of the season begin, I'm going to drink up this time of leisure and playfulness.  Time is gift and I want to treasure every moment of it!

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